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SeniorsClass of 2025

Athlete 5K PR
Allara, Lucas 19:59.27
Blake, Logan 16:37.76
Choy, Sky 17:20.00
Destouesse, Lucas 18:59.08
Destouesse, Matheo 17:00.36
Digiacomo, Michael 18:09.60
Gasparini, Elio 19:06.59
Gordon, Jacob 17:50.77
Hoffman, Donald 19:27.65
Hunter, Owen 20:12.53
Kondo, Kosei 18:46.86
Koo, Evan 22:35.96
ODriscoll, Seamus 15:46.52
Semyanko, Sebastian 20:49.54
Vyas, Parva 17:39.00
Wall, Barclay 20:56.26

JuniorsClass of 2026

Athlete 5K PR
Barger, Spencer 19:41.24
Bollapragada, Anant 22:58.84
Cardenas, Gabriel 16:14.10
Carrasco Gomez, Miguel 16:27.40
Combs, Samuel 18:59.08
Fatal, Tom 22:45.20
Gray, Parker 17:53.00
Homan, Wayne 21:28.36
Leary, Andrew 17:02.00
Makarenko, Alex 21:09.04
Marmura, Jake 20:44.50
Mitchell, Adam 17:06.39
Subhash, Aryan 22:05.05
Sullivan, Nolan 19:14.28
Trovero, Lorenzo 18:54.69
Ward, Riley 17:53.00

SophomoresClass of 2027

Athlete 5K PR
Austin, Liam 19:36.80
Beck, Ethan 18:00.90
Blowers, Rory 20:15.16
Crump, Jared 17:32.70
Dhaliwal, Arjun 20:02.57
Dlott, Rafael 16:26.50
Ji, Brian 19:40.00
Patil, Shaurya 22:38.66
Robottom, Berk 17:22.00
Sanford, Cole 18:56.96
Severson, Graham 18:52.00
Veilleux, Luke 18:09.81
Vyahalkar, Aryan 17:21.99
Wakefield , Amare 17:28.40
Xu, Colin 19:56.35
Zhu, Andrew 20:39.31

FreshmenClass of 2028

Athlete 5K PR
Acharya, Samyak 23:17.41
Bartling, Paxton 22:49.47
Dolle, Patrick 19:15.50
Dolle, William 18:51.00
Grice, Jaiden 23:04.37
Herrick, Justin 17:57.00
Koo, Justin 22:52.62
Leighton, Jonathan 19:53.10
Quisumbing, Luca 19:21.73
Rosell, Owen 22:34.39
Schaeffer, Hayden 21:18.33
Thomas, Theo 21:24.22
Vo, Nathan 16:08.21
Zhang, Kevin 24:19.10

SeniorsClass of 2025

Athlete 5K PR
Craia, Alicia 20:19.31
Crump, Kirstin 24:08.02
Odriscoll, Claire 22:37.00
Smith, Sarah 21:44.78

JuniorsClass of 2026

Athlete 5K PR
Choy, Charis 21:46.00

SophomoresClass of 2027

Athlete 5K PR
Blake, Riley 21:11.48
Boughton, Hannah 24:05.81
Burdick, Lilly 22:08.30
Oh, Hannah 23:32.02
Percival-Shim, Olivia 21:09.80
Petrov, Katherine 25:32.27
Rodriguez, Evangelina 24:05.00
Scruggs, Dannika 22:12.99
Sharma, Tanveer 23:17.54
Stachler, Sophie 22:39.39
Upadhyay, Uma 24:07.00

FreshmenClass of 2028

Athlete 5K PR
Andersson, Isabelle 22:40.00
Diaz, Juliette 21:46.00
Fischer, Linda 24:24.54
Hansen, Kali 21:00.95
Kolluri, Hasini 24:17.00
Pai, Varunie 29:07.81
Roquete, Sofia 26:02.97
Short, Isabel 20:25.00
Sims, Caroline 23:29.00
Sivarajan, Dhyana 24:09.92
Stohr, Prudence 25:32.40
Xu, Jaya 27:18.53